
2021-03-08 13:31:28 字數 2189 閱讀 5248



(1)john is a famous writer now. but he said he was not a (1)______ student when he was young. he was often late for (2)_____ and didn't like doing his homework.

sometimes, he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. he didn't understand much, (3)______ he always thought he understood everything. one day the teacher (4)_____ the students a question, 「when jack was ten years old, (5)_______ brother bob was twenty, jack is fifteen now and (6)______ is his brother bob?

」john said, 「that's easy. bob is twice as old as jack, so he is now thirty.」

another time, the (7)______ in a science class asked, 「when it thunders(打雷), (8)______ do we always see the light before we (9)______ the sound?」

「but, miss,」said john quickly, 「don't you (10)______ our eyes are in front of our ears?」

( )1. a. good b. tall c. rich d. fat

( )2. a. sleep b. lunch c. class d. play

( )3. a. so b. and c. or d. but

( )4. a. sent b. asked c. told d. found

( )5. a. your b. my c. his d. her

( )6. a. how many b. how old c. what d. who

( )7. a. teacher b. farmer c. nurse d. policeman

( )8. a. what b. when c. where d. why

( )9. a. break b. make c. hear d. **ell

( )10.a. read b. hope c. study d. know


這是一篇記敘文,文章主要介紹了現在成名的作家john 小時侯上學的情況。故事形象生動,詼諧有趣。

1.a. john 現在成名了,但他小時候可不是好學生。這由句中的連詞and 可以看出來。

2.c. 由於john不是好學生,因此他經常在上課時遲到。

3.d. 根據上下句即可知道這裡是一個表示轉折的詞,but最合適。

4.b. 老師應該是問學生問題,這是一個基本常識。

5.c. 根據主語jack可知答案。

6.b. 根據jack is fifteen 可知老師要了解的是bob的年齡。

7.a. 這裡應該是老師在science class 上問學生問題。

8.d. 根據上下句和四個疑問詞的意思可知答案。

9.c. 聲音應該是聽到的。

10.d. 根據所給詞的詞義可知答案。

等一下。。忽然發現不用解析的 (4)






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