媽準時坐在制電視機前****一套播出的尋找中國最美孝心少年頒獎晚會。 隨著評委們推尋出的十位最美孝心少年的陸續出場領獎,他們的孝心事蹟漸漸的展現在我們眼前。湖北恩施一個小山村裡採茶賣茶為奶奶換錢買頭痛藥的姐弟倆、為母親捐獻骨髓的北京少年邵帥、一邊上學一邊幫助母親賣烤串的東北小姑娘王雨欣、天天上山砍柴養活奶奶和弟弟妹妹的湖南鳳凰的小姐姐龍花等等,他們面對艱苦的生活環境和家庭的不幸自強自立、勤儉節約,刻苦求學、樂觀向上、孝敬老人、愛護兄妹,很小就挑起家庭的重擔。
他們真實感人的生活故事讓我和媽媽爸爸不時地流下感動的淚水。 看著他們的生活遭遇和堅強的意志,想想自己更覺得應該向他們學習,珍惜生活、懂得感恩,要勇敢的面對生活學習
求一篇寫假期旅行的英語作文60——70詞七 八年級水平,不要太長的,語言簡單一點,就寫長城的吧
i went to beijing with my family. we went there by train. the
train was comfortable. we spent five days visiting beijing. on the first
day, we went to tian'an men square, it is so big. and there were lots
of people taking photos. then we went to the palace museum. we saw
thousands of houses. kings lived there before. i felt interesting. the
second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. we saw many old
things. on teh third day we went to the great wall. it was so great! we
were tired.
i went to changcheng with my family. we went there by train. the
train was comfortable. we spent five days visiting beijing. on the first
day, we went to tian'an men square, it is so big. and there were lots
of people taking photos. then we went to the palace museum. we saw
thousands of houses. kings lived there before. i felt interesting. the
second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. we saw many old
things. on teh third day we went to the great wall. it was so great! we
were tired.
xcv xxbbbn·
but i noticed a family standing outside the locked door,
幫我寫一篇關於介紹故宮的英語作文(帶翻譯)簡單點的 初二水平 30到40詞
the palace museum is also called the forbidden city, which started to be built in 1407. it took 200,000 people fourteen years to build it. it was finished in 1420.
there are 9,999 rooms in all the palaces. in china, nine is regarded as a lucky number traditionally. at present, it is free for chinese students to visit every tuesday.
the palace museum has treasures of over 5,000 years' history.
嗯呢,我要的就是這個解答 寫一篇介紹南寧旅遊景點的英語作文,70詞左右 寫一篇介紹景點的英語作文,80個單詞就可以了 放假7天,自己慢慢想吧.求一篇關於旅遊的英語作文 70詞左右 並翻譯 i went to hainan for vacation last week.i went there wit...
各位朋友,先自我介紹一下 今天我將帶大家參觀故宮博物院,現在我先為大家作個簡單介紹。故宮位於北京市城區中心,是明 清兩代的皇宮,是當今世界上現存規模最大 建築最雄偉 儲存最完整的古代皇家宮殿。故宮又叫紫禁城。紫禁城是中國五個多世紀以來的最高權力中心,它以園林景觀和容納了傢俱及工藝品的9000個房間的...
著名的萬里長城,像一條矯健的巨龍,蜿蜒曲折,蟠伏在中華大地上。萬里長城,氣勢磅礴,雄偉壯觀,是我國古代勞動人民創造的奇蹟,是世界上最巨集偉的建築工程,是人類歷史上獨一無 二 舉世無雙的。萬里長城東起河北省的山海關,西到甘肅省的嘉峪關。它縱橫河北 北京 山西 內蒙古 寧夏 陝西 甘肅等七個省市自治區,...