My future plan 英語作文怎麼寫啊急急急急急急

2022-09-24 09:21:26 字數 1074 閱讀 6417



翻譯結果 (英 > 中) 複製結果 雙語對照檢視。你的未來計劃是什麼?




my future plan

my future plan is to go to a famous college.i want to be a good english teacher .to become an english teacher ,i think i should speak english more and read more books written in english .

i believe my dream will come true in the future.


my future plan is to study in a good university. i want to be a doctor in the future,i think doctor is one of the best jobs in the world!from now on,i will study harder and harder, and i will also read more books to achieve my dream.

以《my future plan》為題寫一篇英語文章300字左右


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