last saturday, i went to the zoo and parents. that morning, the weather was fine. we decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient.
to the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. in the afternoon it began to rain,the animals are sleeping.
no umbrella, feeling tired and hungry. so we will return home.
從公元5世紀ce,盎格魯-撒克遜人定居英國的羅馬經濟,行政崩潰。到了7世紀,盎格魯撒克遜人的日耳曼語在英國佔據了主導地位,取代了羅馬不列顛的語言(43-409 ce):古布立吞語,一個凱爾特語和拉丁語,被帶到英國羅馬人佔領。
last month i had the worst trip ever.
一次最糟糕的外國旅行。 英語作文。一百字左右。 謝謝啦
last saturday, i went to the zoo and parents. that morning, the weather was fine. we decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient.
to the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. in the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. no umbrella, feeling tired and hungry.
so we will return home.
last saturday, i went to the zoo and parents. that morning, the weather was fine. we decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient.
to the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. in the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. no umbrella, feeling tired and hungry.
so we will return home.
英語作文一次糟糕的外國經歷,內容要求:1.糟糕的國外旅遊經歷2.給其他遊客一些建議 165
last saturday, i went to the zoo and parents. that morning, the weather was fine. we decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient.
to the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. in the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. no umbrella, feeling tired and hungry.
so we will return home.
暑假,我和爸爸 媽媽去青島旅行,這是我第一次坐火車旅行,真使我大開眼界。青島是一個海濱城市,景色很美。我們先去了海邊,我第一次看到大海,金黃色的海灘,湛藍的海水一眼望不到邊際,一排排藍色的浪花向腳底湧來,我高興的抱著游泳圈跑到海里,但沒遊多遠就被浪花又衝到了海灘上,我開心極了,又跑到海里,緊接著一個...
一次難忘的旅行 三百左右,一次難忘的旅行 三百五十字左右
難忘的一次旅行 那是我四年級時的一次最難忘的旅行。每到寒假爸爸媽媽都會 帶我去旅行。那次爸爸說要帶我們去哈爾濱,我聽了高興得手舞足蹈,因為哈爾濱會下雪,看雪是我一直以來夢寐以求的一件事。我盼星星,盼月亮,終於盼到了出發的那一天。這天我早早地起床,正想跑去爸爸媽媽房間去叫醒他們,沒想到他們早就準備好了...
飛機上不可以帶楊梅酒,只可以託運。飛機上酒精飲料禁止隨身攜帶,作為行李託運時有以下限定條件 1 標識全面清晰且置於零售包裝內,每個容器容積不得超過5l 2 酒精的體積百分含量小於或等於24 時,託運數量不受限制 3 酒精的體積百分含量大於24 小於或等於70 時,每位旅客託運數量不超過5l。如果您攜...