
2023-02-05 06:30:28 字數 624 閱讀 9814


it is no any one passed the test among them.

is there anyone in the house?

who can help me exchange that 10 pounds?

she is a teacher. so am i.

the boy is looking inside thru the window.


none of them pass the exam.

are there anyone in the housewho can change ten poundshe is a teacher, so am i


none of them pass the exam.

is there anyone in the house?

who can change this ten pound ?

she is a teacher, so am i.

that boy is looking out from the window.

中文譯英文 ,中文 譯 英文 100字

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我們希望孩子能用他 她自己的方式成長髮展。如果你想教你的孩子怎麼道歉,你必須好好地,尤其是對自己的孩子。第二段的中心思想說的是什麼?那個男人應該定一個便宜的酒店。how do you improve work efficiencyquickly?1.我們希望每個孩子都按照他 她 自己的方式發展。2....


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