
2023-02-22 22:20:24 字數 591 閱讀 9410


i don't think you should copy this from online. i mean i can do it, but it's not good for you. it should be your own words, so you get some practise.

you can't ask people for help everytime, it do no good for you :) i wish you understand. i can help you, like teach you what to say, and help you with grammer.

but not the whole thing. if you need, please tell me. i am a student in indonesia, and i'm chinese.

i can help u figure out the words and stuff like that...




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所謂網戀,就是一根 線,兩顆寂寞心,三更半夜裡,四目不相見,十指來傳情。所謂網戀,就是電腦和電腦訴衷腸,鍵盤與鍵盤說情話,滑鼠和滑鼠談戀愛。所謂網戀,就是聊天時 讓我的愛飄過你的網 就是停電時 我寂寞的心只有你最懂 所謂網戀,就是聊天室愛情。聊天室是愛情超市,總有一件任你挑選。所謂網戀,就是qq上的...