he lives in a big house.in front of it there is a garden.
對bill gates is one of the founder of microsoft.he built microsoft in 1975
he is the first president of the usa
he lives in a big house with a garden in front
對的bill gates is one of the pioneers of microsft,who created microsoft in 1975.
he was the first president of the usa
he lives in a big house, in front of which there is a garden.
were you very naughty when you were a child?
bill gates is one of the founders of microsoft.
he founded microsoft in 1975.
he was the first president of united states.
1.he lives in a big house with a garden in front of it.
3.bill gates is the founder of microsoft.he founded microsoft in 1975
4.he is the first president of u.s.a.
1、he lives in a big house, there is a garden in front
2、when you are a very naughty boy?
3、bill gates, founder of microsoft as one of the microsoft he died in 1975
4、he is the first president of the united states
笨拙 傻氣 大大的臉 扁扁的鼻子 小小的眼睛 參差的牙齒 胖胖 厚肉的臉珠 肥大的肚皮 會翹起的腳趾公 蘑菇般的頭牢 睡覺會誠惶誠恐 膽顫心驚 吊膽提心 擔驚忍怕 擔驚受恐 擔驚受怕 大驚失色 膽裂魂飛 怛然失色 膽喪魂驚膽喪魂消 膽戰心寒 膽戰心慌 膽戰心驚 膽戰心搖骨寒毛豎 骨軟筋麻 汗不敢出 ...
王勃寫 滕王閣序 時年方十四歲。都督閻公不相信他的才華。王勃雖在座,但閻公讓女婿孟學詩寫這篇文章,也已經預先構思好了。到了 閻公 拿紙筆在賓客間來回推讓時,王勃並不推辭謙讓。閻公十分惱怒,拂衣 甩衣袖,表示生氣 起身 離開 專門派人窺伺王勃如何下筆。第一稟報說 南昌故郡,洪都新府 閻公說 這也是老生...
儘管美國人和英國人說著同樣的語言,他們的文化有很大的不同。英國有很長一段歷史,文化的某些方面非常受美國人的青睞。從神祕博士到夏洛克,英國電視節目在美國觀眾做得很好。和最受歡迎的英國電視劇目前在美國,毫無疑問,唐頓莊園。有超過一千萬的美國人期待 顯示每個季節。許多美國人著迷於美麗的服裝,大房子,有吸引...