時事政治,這個詞條分成兩部分。時事-------就是資訊,包括各種各樣的新聞,通訊,或焦點,或冷門的一些訊息;政治------這裡的政治不是狹義的「政治(狹義的政治就是說一些社會政治現象 。狹義的國家的活動、形式和關係及其發展)而是廣義的政治-----廣義的政治在一定經濟基礎之上的社會公共權力的活動、形式和關係及其發展。
時政術語都有哪些? 30
a 中國特色時政術語中英文對照
」 「one country, two systems」
「****」 "one china, one taiwan"
「****」 "two chinas"
(兩岸)直接三通 three direct links (mail, air and shipping services and trade)
兩會(人大,政協) two conferences (npc and cppcc)
「****」 「three represents」
「****」重要思想 the important thought of three represents
三農問題 「 agriculture, countryside and farmer」 issues
四項基本原則 four cardinal principles
和平共處五項原則 the five principles of peaceful coexistence
八項主張 the eight-point proposal
第十五屆**委員會 the 15th central ***mittee of the ***munist party of china (cpc)
十六大 16th party congress
十一屆三中全會 the third plenary session of the eleventh central ***mittee
「南南合作」 「south -south cooperation」
「南北對話」 「 north-south dialog」
愛國統一戰線patriotic united front
不斷提高人民生活水平constantly better people's lives
不公正不合理unfair and irrational
參政議政participation in and deliberation of state affairs
長期共存long-term coexistence
長治久安long-term peace and order
傳統安全威脅traditional threats to security
創造力、凝聚力和戰鬥力creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity
促進社會全面進步promote all-round social progress
當家作主masters of the country
黨代會congress of party representatives
黨的基本理論、路線和綱領the party's basic theory, line and program
***理論deng xiaoping theory
第一生產力the primary productive force
調動積極性mobilize the initiative
對等的政治實體equal political entities
**合作multiparty cooperation
多元社會pluralistic society
法制觀念awareness of law
法治國家a country under the rule of law
反腐倡廉***bat corruption and build a clean government
非傳統安全威脅non-traditional threats to security
**活動splitting activities
服務大局serve the overall interests
富強民主文明a strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced
改革開放reform and opening-up
高舉***理論偉大旗幟hold high the great banner of deng xiaoping theory
高素質的領導幹部隊伍high-caliber leading cadres
擱置某些政治爭議shelve certain political disputes
革命化more revolutionary
革命老區old revolutionary base areas
各民主黨派the democratic parties
各人民團體people's ***anizations
根本利益fundamental interests
工人階級隊伍the working class in china
工商聯federations of industry
公民權利、自由civil rights / civil liberties
公民政治參與citizens' participation in political affairs
公正透明fairness and transparency
過渡期transition, transitional period
和平統一談判negotiations on peaceful reunification
和諧並存harmonious coexistence
弘揚時代主旋律highlight the themes of the times
恢復兩岸對話resume the cross-straits dialogue
基層民主democracy at the grassroots level
基礎設施工程infrastructure projects
激勵和保障機制an incentive and guarantee mechani**
計劃生育family planning
家庭聯產承包責任制the household contract responsibility system
簡政放權 streamline administration and delegate power
建設(資源)節約型社會build a conservation-minded society
降低農業稅稅率reduce agricultural tax rate
接續產業alternative industries
解放思想emancipating the mind
戒急用忍over***e impetuosity and exercise patience
緊密團結在***周圍rally closely around the party central ***mittee
精神文明建設spiritual civilization
精神支撐moral kingpin
居民生活質量quality of life of the residents
巨大的優越性great superiority
決策機制decision-****** mechani**
科教興國national rejuvenation through science and education
可持續發展sustainable development
恐怖主義危害scourge of terrori**
困難群眾people in straitened circumstances
老工業基地old industrial bases
立黨之本the foundation for building our party
連續性和穩定性consistency and stability
廉潔高效honesty and high efficiency
廉政建設build a clean and honest government
領導方式和執政方式way of leadership and governance
領土完整territorial integrity
路線the line
馬克思主義基本原理the basic te***s of marxi**
馬克思主義執政黨a marxist ruling party
***思想mao zedong thought
***democratic progressive party
民生people's livelihood
民主法制democracy and the legal system
民主管理democratic management
民主集中制 democratic centrali**
民主監督 democratic supervision
民主監督democratic supervision
民主決策democratic decision-******
民主選舉democratic elections
民族進步the progress of a nation
民族精神national spirit
****ethnic contradictions
民族凝聚力the cohesion of the nation
農村扶貧開發to alleviate rural poverty through development
農村稅費改革reform of rural taxes and administrative charges
農業、農村和農民問題problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers
農業和農村工作agriculture and rural work
農業基礎地位agriculture as the foundation of the economy
貧困群眾people in financial difficulties
平穩過渡the **ooth transition of power
普選制general election system
欠發達地區less developed areas
強權政治power politics
僑胞overseas chinese
僑務工作overseas chinese affairs
一切積極因素all positive factors
小康社會a well-off society
小康水平a well-off standard
形式主義 formali**
嚴重政治風波serious political disturbances
一箇中國原則the one-china principle
依法治國rule (run) the country by law
以德治國rule (run) the country by virtue
以愛國主義為核心centering on patrioti**
以***同志為核心的中共**委員會cccp with ***rade hu jintao at the core
意識形態領域realm of ideology
用人失察責任追究 accountability for neglect of supervisory duty
優化結構optimize structure
優化升級optimize and upgrade
有法必依the laws observed
有法可依there are laws to go by
**監督supervisory function of the media
與時俱進keep pace with the times
**干預 government intervention
**機構 government ***ans; government institutions
**特殊津貼 special government allowance
**職能government functions
政治局 politburo
政治局面political situation
政治體制political restructuring
政治協商political consultation
政治協商制度political consultation system
執法必嚴the laws strictly enforced
執政為民exercise the state power in the interest of the people
執政之基the cornerstone for its (the party』s) governance
指導思想guiding ideology
智力支援 intellectual support
中共**the cpc central ***mittee
中共**委員會cccp (central ***mittee of ***munist party)
中國共產黨第十六次全國代表大會the sixteenth national congress of the cpc
中國特色社會主義事業sociali** with chinese characteristics
中華兒女all sons and daughters of the chinese nation
中華民族的偉大復興the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation
中華文明the chinese civilization
溫州動車事故 動車減速 卡扎菲即將倒臺 關於最近的時政新聞 徵求大學生創新實驗設計專案的課題?懸賞分 15 離問題結束還有 0 小時 求最近的時政資料 最近都有哪些時事政治值得入黨積極分子關注?最新統計表明 保持共產黨員先進性教育活動開展以來 黨員隊伍不斷髮展壯大 黨組織覆蓋面進一步擴大 cctv....
時政熱點是關於近期內受廣大群眾關注的大事的資訊。關注時政熱點的好處 1 關注社會發展 2 把握時代脈搏 3 分析 走向 4 與時俱進 5 及時掌握社會動態,對學習就業都有很大的指導 6 時政熱點在思想品德教學中的作用 1 激發學生的學習興趣 2 開闊學生的視野 關注生活 關注社會 關注國家 3 培養...
國考申論時事政治,國家公務員考試 時政熱點複習資料
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