plants are very important living things.life could not go on if there were no plants.this is because plants can make food from air,water and sunlight.
animals and man cannot do so.animals get their food by eating plants and other animals.man gets his food by eating plants and animals,too.
therefore,animals and man need plants in order to live.
if you look carefully at the plants around you,you will find that there are many types of plants.some plants are large while others are **all.most plants are green.
i could see him gettingimpatient
用蜜蜂寫一段話示例 看這個可愛的小東西,別小看它,它雖然很醜陋,但是它可是勤勞的代言人哦。毛茸茸的身子上面有和老虎一樣條紋,金子一樣顏色的翅膀好像是上天給它的獎勵。尾巴上帶著一個尖尖的刀子,好像在時刻防禦著敵人奪走自己辛勤的果實。不斷挪動的觸角彷彿在指揮著大家 大家快來看!那裡有好多香香甜甜的蜂蜜呢...
果園的四bai季總是熱鬧非凡。春天du的果園開滿zhi了花,花香四溢。蜜dao 蜂 版蝴蝶吵吵鬧鬧的忙著權傳授花粉。夏天的果園鬱鬱蔥蔥,小小的果實藏在茂密的枝葉間說著悄悄話。果園的秋天是一個成熟的季節,各種水果盡情的散發著果香,互相較著勁呢。冬天的果園也不輸於其他四季,厚厚的大學下面,落葉 樹根正說...
我們每一來個人都在社自會這個大家庭生活都有一份應bai盡的義務。你是學生du,就zhi要認真學習,盡作dao為學生的義務成為國家日後棟樑之材 你是醫生,就要仔細工作,盡作為醫生的義務成為一個真正的白衣天使 你是軍人,就要努力訓練,盡作為一個軍人的義務成為邊防上最有力的護衛 總之,我們每一個人都離不開...