
2021-03-10 00:07:38 字數 3687 閱讀 3219



oct. 23

i. opening ceremony

1, time: 8: 30-9: 30

2. location: academic hall

3, moderator: associate dean

4, agenda

8: 30-8: 35, the beginning of the process before the introduction, meeting

8: 35-8: 45, president of the conference opening remarks

8: 45-8: 55, the provincial leadership speech

8: 55-9: 05, vice chancellor of the university speech

9: 05-9: 15, economics and management, university of party secretary speech

9: 15-9: 25, a university professor speech

9: 25-9: 30, read a congratulatory letter

9: 30-10: 00, meeting the photo and refreshments

second, the conference theme of an academic report

1, time: 10: 00-11: 30

2. location: academic hall

3, moderator: director of the university of management and economics,

4, agenda:

10: 00-10: 30 prof. academic report

10: 30-11: 00 france rouen business school vice principal academic report

11: 00-11: 30 university professor academic report

third, luncheon

1, time: 12: 00-13: 40

2. location: the second floor banquet hall

fourth, the symposium

14: 00-15: 30 group special report

a1: ***plexity science management (a421)

a2: social system ***plexity (a321)

a3: economic system ***plexity (a511)

a4: management system ***plexity a (b338)

a5: ***plexity management system b (b430)

15: 30-15: 50 coffee break

15: 50-17: 20 group special report

b1: ***plexity science management (a421)

b2: the social system ***plexity (a321)

b3: economic system ***plexity (a511)

b4: management system ***plexity a (b338)

b5: management system ***plexity b (b430)

fifth, buffet dinner

1, time: 18: 00-19: 30

2. location: the hotel is on the first floor cafeteria

oct. 24

six special reports:

1. moderator: international software college dean

8: 30-8: 45 "***plex scientific management" taskforce report

8: 45-9: 00 "social system ***plexity" taskforce report

"***plex economic system," the taskforce report 15: 9: 00-9

9: 15-9: 30 "management system ***plexity a" taskforce report

9: 30-9: 45, "managing system ***plexity b" taskforce report

9: 45-10: 00 coffee break

seven conference theme academic report

1, time: 10: 00-11: 30

2. location: academic hall

3, moderator: dean of school of management

4, agenda:

10: 00-10: 30 beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics professor academic report

10: 30-11: 00 city university of hong kong, professor academic report

11: 00-11: 30 university of toronto professor academic report

eight, meeting summary and closing session

1, time: 11: 30--12: 00

2. location: academic hall

3, host: university of economics and management party secretary

4, agenda:

11: 30-11: 40, president of the conference concluding remarks

11: 40-11: 50, the international secretary of the university school of software speech

11: 50-12: 00, professor of economics and management, university of word of thanks

12:00 closing conference

nine, buffet lunch

1, time: 12: 00--13: 00

2. location: the hotel is on the first floor cafeteria


s faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and,


unimaginable. we seldom think of it. the days stretch out in an endless vista. so we go


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