has a wide mouth 對劃線部分提問

2021-05-04 02:16:56 字數 1794 閱讀 3119


who has a wide mouth 誰有一個寬的嘴(對人劃線提問 一般用who代替)


who has a wide mouth?



i like red.--- what color do you like ?

his english book is ni the red bag.---where is his english book ?

your book is on the desk. ---- whose book is on the desk ?

lin tao is not here.----who is not here ?

my father's car is white and black.---whose car is white and black ?

-----what color is your father's car ?

the pen in the pencil-box is mine.

----whose is the pen in teh pencil-box ?

this blke is hers.---- whose bike is this ?

miss hu is miss green's good friend. ---whose good friend is miss hu?

my skirt is in that big box.------ what is in that big box ?

the girl in red is my sister. -----who is the girl in red?

they are their books. -----whose books are they ?

he has a big head and a wide mouth. ----what is he like?

that man is mr。green. ----who is that man ?

her mother comes form england.---where does your mother come from?

my hair is black.-----what color is your hair ?


1.what color do you like?

2.where is his english book?

3.whose book is on the desk?

4.who is not here?

5.whose car is white and black? what color is your father's car?

6.whose is the pen in the pencil-box?

7.whose bike is this?

8.whose good friend is miss hu?

9.what is in that big box?

10.who is the girl in red?

11.whose books are they?

12.what's he like?(他長什麼樣?)13.who is that man?

14.where does her mother come from?

15.what color is your hair?


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