private function fibonacci(byval n as long) as long
if n <= 2 then
fibonacci = 1
fibonacci = fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
end if
end function
private sub command1_click()dim o as long
for i = 1 to 20
o = o + fibonacci(i)
label1 = o
end sub
private sub command2_click()dim o as long
for i = 1 to 25
o = o + fibonacci(i)
label1 = o
end sub
private sub command3_click()dim o as long
for i = 1 to 30
o = o + fibonacci(i)
label1 = o
end sub
private sub command1_click()dim sum as long
for i = 1 to 20
sum = sum + fibonacci(i)next
label1 =sum
end sub
private sub command2_click()dim sum as long
for i = 1 to 25
sum= sum + fibonacci(i)next
label1 = sum
end sub
private sub command3_click()dim sum as long
for i = 1 to 30
sum = sum + fibonacci(i)next
label1 =sum
end sub
如何用vb編寫fibonacci數列前30 項的求和
private sub form_load()dim a(1 to 30) as longdim s as long
me.autoredraw = true
print 1
print 1
a(1) = 1
a(2) = 1
s = 2
for i = 3 to 30
a(i) = a(i - 1) + a(i - 2)print a(i)
s = s + a(i)
print "前30項的和為: "; s
end sub
vb中的斐波那契數列 前20項取值總和問題謝謝了,大神幫忙啊
斐波那契數列前三項分別是0、1、1,你只加了第二項或第三項 所以才會少1 dim a&(20) a(1) = 0: a(2) = 1 for i = 3 to 20 a(i) = a(i - 2) + a(i - 1) b = a(i) + b next i for i = 1 to 20 print right(space(7) & a(i), 8); if i mod 10 = 0 then print next i b = b + a(2) msgbox b 追問: 我加的是第一項和第二項, 不是加的第二項和第三項,請不要用陣列去給我解答,我還沒學到陣列呢 回答:
dim d as long, a as long, s as long, c as integer d = 0: a = 1: b = 1:
s = 2 print d print a print b for i = 2 to 18 c = a + b a = b: b = c s = s + c print c next i msgbox "斐波拉契數列的錢二十項的和為:" & s, vbinformation, "資訊"
單擊窗體後在窗體上輸出前20個斐波那契數(5個一行)private sub frm_click()dim f(20) as integer
for i=3 to 20
next i
for i=1 to 20
if i mod 5=0 then printprint f(i);
next i
end sub
用子過程輸出fibonacci數列的前20項及前20項和(vb) 5
1.( s )= a + b
2.print ( c )
si ni 是什麼,我這裡使用簡單的函式 fs fn 來表示,你可以修改這些函式,實現你需要的功能。private function fs byval i as long as double fs i end function private function fn byval i as long ...
在窗體上放一個命令按鈕,將 複製到窗體裡,程式執行單擊一次命令按鈕可輸入一次n的值 如下 private sub command1 click dim n,y as single n inputbox 請輸入n的值 select case n case is 0 y 2 n 5 case 0 y 0...
private sub mand1 click print 第3題 dim n as integer,s as doublen inputbox n 50 for i 1 to n s s 1 i next i print sum n format s,0.00 end sub private su...