
2022-10-07 21:52:19 字數 848 閱讀 7736


we can imagine the inconvenient the communicatewill be if there is no cell phonen.we even make a ainvestigation like this. if we can only take along three things when you go out.

people will think cellphone, wallet/money and the doorkey. but if you can only take one thing, most people will choose cellphone. all this can show that the importance of mobile phone in our daily life.


just imagine what a hard day we spend without a mobile phone! it is investigated that people will bring three thins: mobile phone and purse/wallet as well the key to his/her door if he /she has to take only three when going out.

even if only one, most people would answer: "mobile phone". obviously, it shows the importance of a moble phone in the modern life.



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