隨著人們生活水平的日益提高,學生之間過生日時請客送禮的現象也日趨頻繁。 同學之間利用生日請客送禮可以增進感情。但是請客出現攀比,進大飯店,進ok廳,禮物花哨也不實用。
向家長要錢買禮物或請客。 都違背了我們過生日的初衷!
with rising living standards, when students treat birthday gifts are becoming increasingly frequent phenomenon. between students can make use of birthday gifts to enhance the feelings of the host. however, there treat comparison, into the grand hotel, jin-ok room, not fancy and practical gift.
to parents to buy gifts or treat. are contrary to the original intention of our birthday!
with rising living standards, when students treat birthday gifts are becoming increasingly frequent phenomenon. between students can make use of birthday gifts to enhance the feelings of the host. however, there treat comparison, into the grand hotel, jin-ok room, not fancy and practical gift.
to parents to buy gifts or treat. are contrary to the original intention of our birthday!
remember what you should remember,forget what you should forget,change what you can change,accept what you can not change.我直接譯的.remember what should b...
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