
2023-01-21 10:59:42 字數 557 閱讀 4206


hello,welcome to coming.is this ok ?this sort in stock,how much/many do you want?

now it only takes me a little time to bring you it at the stored house nearby,please wait for a while.price willbe lower if you buy so many.the loweset price is 17.

5 yuan.i am sorry to say that that sort is out of stock ,but you can remake it.raw material for the bags is of the good quanlity,so them are dear,we can do the sort you require,and the total is 1001.

when can i get goods,and for which storage hourse ?


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痛苦是 活著的證明。千萬 這就話放在這裡不合適 舒適 安樂的幸福 不會長久。去往幸福的道路 比希望得到痛苦更漫長更累。但是 我們必須走下去,除了不斷地受傷,不要讓我放棄 不想放棄的東西。希望因為我的存在 所有的人都能幸福。我所 需要的是 像午睡時的安樂感 像釘了釘子固定了一樣連時間都停止了一樣的 非...


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