this is the best bookstore in town. it is the closest to home, with comfortable seats, the cheapest prices, and the most books, so it is often very crowded, because it has the best service。
this is the best bookshop in the town. it is the closest one with comfortable seats, cheapest price and the largest amount of books. it's always crowded, because of the best price.
it is the best bookstore in the town. it is nearest to my home. it has more comfortable seats, cheapest price and largest number of books.
therefore, it is often very crowded because it has best service.
故鄉我的故鄉有許多吃的東西。我知道許多食物的做法。我特別擅長做羊肉湯。我最喜歡羊肉。我的朋友開了一家羊肉店的餐廳。我常常在有空的時候幫忙我的朋友。我熱心 認真而且十分的努力,第一次幫助朋友,我發現了很多不一樣的地方。知道了菜的做法。我從朋友那裡糾正了羊肉湯的錯誤做法。為了做好湯我明天都在練習。在中國...
1.chaplin is the comedian,and all of people like him.2.the evening dress is lack of many decorations at peasent,so it shows the sense of comfort and m...
真正的藝術家 真正的藝術家是狂放不羈的,它自由自在,悠然自得地在自己個性的川流中暢遊。他傾聽自我,尊重自我。他一深海巨鯨的姿態,浮現在日常生活的陽光下,打破人們習以為常的平靜生活的洋麵,輕鬆愉快,嚴肅認真,嬉笑自若,他酷愛生活,擁抱生活。他渴望與各種人物同命運,共呼吸。他成了所有人的化身。藝術家的職...