
2021-03-08 01:41:13 字數 653 閱讀 3890


1.你說錯了,我和你的認識是在操場上。(you are wrong, and i and your understanding is in the playground.)

2.我也喜歡你,但是這隻有喜歡、好感,明天、後天,你一定回忘記.(i would also like you, but this is only like, a good impression, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, you'll definitely be f***otten.

)3.不要迷戀姐.姐只是個傳說(do not linger sister, sister is just a legend.)

4.你真的喜歡我嗎?(do you really like me?)


you are wrong.i met you on the playground.

i like you as well,but it's just a sense of love,you will f***et it tomorrow and day after tomorrow for sure.

don't adore me as a sister,i'm just a lengend.


dont cry child,you ve got so much more to live for 不哭孩子,你已經為復活制下去得到那麼多 dont cry child,you ve got something i would die for 不哭孩子,你有事我願意為之付出生命 and if it...


事實上,自殺現象非常普遍。根據美國nimh 國家精神健康研究院 調查,2004年美國大約32,439人死於自殺,每有一人死於自殺,8 25人自殺未遂。事實上,自殺 現象 相當普遍。根據美國nimh 國家精神健康協會 統計,在2004年,美國大約有32,439個人因自殺死亡,而且每有一個人因自殺死亡,...


的基本正確了 我也來翻譯下 嘿嘿 tras despedirnos,los dos nos echamos mucho de menos,creimos que solo nos separemos por unos dias y quien sabiera que iba a ser tanto ...