i found some very popular new songs today, aa、bb and cc. while there is a time limit, so i can't play them all for you right now. then i found this remake which mix those three songs into one.
the singer of this remake is samtsui, a student from yale. it's a collaborated work. his team posted this video on youtube and turned out to a great hit.
如果是名字的話 就翻bai譯為pretty 而不是一樓的dupeety,那是 創意 的意思。zhipretty還有漂亮dao 可愛的意思。我覺得不錯 如果是版翻譯單詞的話就權是 so beautiful.或者 so nice.或者 wonderful.這幾個任選一個,最後一個簡練又準確。peety ...
這一來天,始終還是到來了,而 源我面對bai 你始終沒有勇氣說出口,du隨zhi著年齡的增長,我領悟了dao 請大家幫我把這段中文翻譯成英文,謝謝!怎麼把線系在蜜蜂身上 give parents a country s king,promulgated a scary directive all o...
呵呵,嘗試改造成文言文,僅供參考 吾近夜觀天象,見天狼星。此乃大凶之兆,特賜爾破解之法,希護之。此災必得免矣。然則,希冀爾等善學不殆,終至大成。餘夜觀星,天狼星惡,贈爾良法破之,若君惜取,此禍能祛。勤學勿怠多行善,美夢雲端亦可成 夜觀星象,見天狼衝煞,許以破解之道,汝且珍之,禍必遠矣。唯念心安,夢想...