
2023-03-09 06:55:21 字數 531 閱讀 1352


it takes me 5 minutes to get there.

it takes me 1 hour to finish my homework.

it takes me 10 minutes to go to school.

it takes me half an hour to write down the answers.

it takes me 20 minutes to eat the breakfast.


it take me 1 hour to finish homework.

it takes him 2 hours to play football.

it took me 1 day to do housework.

it takes her 1 hour to cook dinner.

it take them 5 year to build the building.


do the children like the ball?are these pens yours?don t put clothese here.when do they get up?按例句改寫英語句子 英語句子成分 5 在英文當中,有八大句子成分,分別是 主語 謂語 賓語 表語 定語 補語 ...


上邊兩位答案都對,但是沒解釋胡總惡化解釋錯誤。所以我又回答一次。1,去掉because和so的其中一個,英語中的這類連詞不能成對出現,只能要一個就行了。2,去掉although和but其中一個,理由同上 3,去掉to,home這裡是副詞,很特殊的,很多人以為只能做名詞,其實home做副詞的情況更為常...


這裡動詞不定式在系動詞後作表語,也就是說to be sitting作了is的表語。還有,本來應該是is to sit,to sit作is的表語,但是這裡有一種當時正在進行的意思,所以用進行時態,to sit變成to be sitting,就像不定式to do 一樣,do是動詞原型,所以is sitt...