the removal rate of ammonia and nitrogen through glucose and sodium propionate were 70.13% and 90.6% .
total nitrogen removal rates were 65.14% & 81.17% respectively.
in terms of nitrogen removal(denitrogenation) efficiency, theglucose andsodium propionate showed up to advantageas a single carbon nutrient sources, the rate of ammonia removal were 7.013% and 90.6% respectively, the total rate of nitragen removal were 65.
14% and 81.17% respectively.
in terms of denitrification, glucose and sodium propionate as single carbon source denitrification effect is good,
ammonia nitrogen removal rate were 70.13%, 90.6%, and total nitrogen removal rate was 65.
14%, 81.17%, respectively.
求助 (國際物流)英語翻譯漢語,英語翻譯這句 翻譯成漢語是“國際物流”, “國際婚姻”, “留學”的意思
國際物流 international logistics 國際婚姻 international marriage 留學 overseas studies the corresponding chinese meanings are 國際物流 rate 費率,匯率 trcuking daryage拖車...
今天是我在這裡工bai作的最後du一天了,這段時間和大家一起zhi工作感覺dao很愉快回,感謝大家對我工作上的幫答助,今後還要請大家多多關照,祝大家新的一年工作順利.今日 最後 一日 皆様 一緒 仕事 出來 思 皆様 助 感謝 申 上 今後 宜 願 皆様 健闘 祈 各位 様 毎度 世話 迷惑 大変恐...
該句出自 大般若波羅密多經 卷五十二初分辯大乘品第十五,是佛陀教導須菩提尊者 意譯為 善現 如何分辨菩薩摩訶薩大乘相。三摩地 即梵文samadhi的音譯,也被譯作三昧,意為定 正受 調直定 正心行處 息慮凝心。心定於一處而不動,故曰定。正受所觀之法,故曰受。調心之暴,直心之曲,定心之散,故曰調直定。...